Philosophy: Using ESG analysis to better understand the companies we invest in
The Ivy Team’s overall investment philosophy centres on the belief that a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses, bought at reasonable prices, will deliver strong, long-term, above-average returns. The team has a long-term mindset, which allows it to focus on identifying businesses with sustainable competitive advantages and positive corporate cultures that respect society at large.
How the Ivy team interprets ESG
Every Ivy team member is responsible for ESG analysis and integration. This means that the person who conducted the initial due diligence is also accountable for the investment decision and for monitoring that decision. This process ensures that all relevant information uncovered during the due diligence phase is incorporated into the investment decision. Also, making the ESG analysis the responsibility of every team member ensures that it is incorporated holistically into all investment decisions.
Ivy ESG scoring system:
- Excellent
- Good
- Neutral
- Below average
- Poor
Ivy’s three-step ESG process
Ivy’s ESG process consists of three stages: identification, assessment and integration.
How Ivy’s ESG analysis impacts its investment decisions
Learn more about the Ivy team’s funds here.
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