Asset allocation ETFs built for Canadians by Canadians

Chad Wood, CFA
ETF Strategist

Asset allocation (AA) ETFs have been a helpful addition to the investment world, providing instant diversification, typically at a low cost. If you’re not familiar with them, an AA ETF is an ETF that holds other ETFs, usually providing exposures to different countries and asset classes for you. Typically, they are categorized by risk and provide automatic rebalancing.

For example, the most common options are the following:

Mackenzie ETF ticker



All-equity: 100% equity


Growth: 80% equity, 20% fixed income


Balanced: 60% equity, 40% fixed income


Conservative: 40% equity, 60% fixed income

Advisors may use AA ETFs as a very efficient way to get instant diversified exposure for even the smallest accounts. We also often see advisors using these for RESPs or as a transition vehicle as they rotate a portfolio.

Though Mackenzie was not the pioneers in popularizing these popular investments, we saw there was room for innovation.

Built for Canadians

First things first: we always advise investors to seek tax advice from a tax professional.

The main source of innovation we’ve provided was to create a suite of ETFs that are efficient for the Canadian investor, specifically regarding foreign withholding taxes (FWT). Foreign withholding taxes are something many Canadians have simply grown accustomed to, because of our frequent investments in US stocks. But we shouldn’t be complacent.

When investing in any foreign market, there may be tax withheld on any dividends paid. The impact often goes unnoticed, because distributions to end investors are usually paid net of FWT.

I’ll go out on a limb and assume no one wants to be taxed twice —especially if the first round is paid to a foreign government. Yet this often happens when an investor chooses a foreign investment vehicle to access to foreign markets. This commonly occurs when an investor:

  1. Buys a US-listed ETF that holds foreign investments.
  2. Buys a Canadian-listed ETF that holds a US-listed ETF (or ETFs), which in turn holds foreign investments.

In both scenarios, it’s possible that FWT may be withheld on distributions paid by the foreign investments to the US-listed ETF — with another layer of FWT withheld on distributions by the US-listed ETF to the Canadian investor.

Buying a Canadian-listed ETF that holds the foreign securities directly can help reduce unnecessary FWT. Keep in mind that this could change based a variety of factors, including the type of account the ETF is held in, the investment type and the foreign jurisdiction. Since every situation is different, you may wish to consult a tax advisor about the tax implications for your specific situation.

As a Canadian company, Mackenzie puts Canadian investors first. In the Mackenzie AA ETFs, our holdings are Canadian-listed and do not hold US-listed ETFs. This can help us limit our clients’ exposure to unexpected FWT.

It is always best to do your homework and look at the underlying holdings of any AA ETF you are considering. If you are not able to figure it out, seek advice from a financial or tax professional.

TIP: If an ETF has only one holding, this could be a good indicator that it holds a US-listed ETF to get its desired exposures.

Here at Mackenzie, we make ETFs for Canadians by Canadians. That includes our robust suite of asset allocation ETFs. We were recently honoured to receive three FundGrade A+® Awards for the Mackenzie Balanced Allocation ETF (MBAL), Mackenzie Conservative Allocation ETF (MCON) and Mackenzie Growth Allocation ETF (MGRW).

To learn more about our suite of asset allocation ETFs, see our Mackenzie Asset Allocation ETF Brochure.

Commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses may all be associated with Exchange Traded Funds. Please read the prospectus before investing.  The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions, and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution, or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Exchange Traded Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.

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This article should not be construed as legal, tax or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for information purposes only. Any tax information provided in this document is general in nature and each client should consult with their own tax advisor, accountant and lawyer before pursuing any strategy described herein as each client’s individual circumstances are unique. We have endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the information provided at the time that it was written, however, should the information in this document be incorrect or incomplete or should the law or its interpretation change after the date of this document, the advice provided may be incorrect or inappropriate. There should be no expectation that the information will be updated, supplemented or revised whether as a result of new information, changing circumstances, future events or otherwise. We are not responsible for errors contained in this document or to anyone who relies on the information contained in this document. Please consult your own legal and tax advisor.

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About Fundata Canada Inc.

Fundata Canada Inc. has been providing data aggregation and dissemination services to the Canadian media and financial marketplace since 1987. Fundata is a major provider in the distribution of fund and stock information in Canada.

About the Fundata FundGrade A+ Rating

FundGrade A+® is used with permission from Fundata Canada Inc., all rights reserved. The annual FundGrade A+® Awards are presented by Fundata Canada Inc. to recognize the “best of the best” among Canadian investment funds. The FundGrade A+® calculation is supplemental to the monthly FundGrade ratings and is calculated at the end of each calendar year. The FundGrade rating system evaluates funds based on their risk-adjusted performance, measured by Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Information Ratio. The score for each ratio is calculated individually, covering all time periods from 2 to 10 years. The scores are then weighted equally in calculating a monthly FundGrade. The top 10% of funds earn an A Grade; the next 20% of funds earn a B Grade; the next 40% of funds earn a C Grade; the next 20% of funds receive a D Grade; and the lowest 10% of funds receive an E Grade. To be eligible, a fund must have received a FundGrade rating every month in the previous year. The FundGrade A+® uses a GPA-style calculation, where each monthly FundGrade from “A” to “E” receives a score from 4 to 0, respectively. A fund’s average score for the year determines its GPA. Any fund with a GPA of 3.5 or greater is awarded a FundGrade A+® Award. For more information, see Although Fundata makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Fundata.

Mackenzie Balanced Allocation ETF (MBAL) was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2024 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Global Neutral Balanced category out of a total of 224 funds.  Performance for the fund for the period ended December 31, 2024 is as follows: 16.72% (1 year), 5.42% (3 years) and 7.88% (since inception- September 2020).

Mackenzie Conservative Allocation ETF (MCON) was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2024 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Global Fixed Income Balanced category out of a total of 126 funds.  Performance for the fund for the period ended December 31, 2024 is as follows: 12.10% (1 year), 3.26% (3 years) and 4.86% (since inception- September 2020).

Mackenzie Growth Allocation ETF (MGRW) was recognized for outstanding fund performance at the 2024 Fundata FundGrade A+ Awards in the Global Equity Balanced category out of a total of 187 funds.  Performance for the fund for the period ended December 31, 2024 is as follows: 21.32% (1 year), 7.59% (3 years) and 10.92% (since inception- September 2020).

Meet your authors

Chad Wood, CFA
ETF Strategist

Chad’s dedication to investor education has been a focus of his career. Starting at a major Canadian bank, he held progressively senior positions before jumping at the chance for a leadership role in the firm’s growing ETF operation. “When the opportunity arose, that's where I want to be — that's where I saw the growth of the business and the industry.”

Today, at Mackenzie, Chad is focused on helping investors and advisors understand the nuances of the ETF market. His passion for investor education stems from his long personal experience speaking with clients. “When you work in this industry, you need to remember that financial literacy is not common knowledge.”